
WVAS has two 8” Newtonian reflector telescopes on Dobsonian mounts, each of which can be signed out by WVAS members and community organizations for up to one month, or longer if no one else is waiting for its return and the club doesn’t need it for outreach events.

We have a 60mm Lunt LS60THa/B600/C hydrogen alpha solar telescope which is used in the daytime for observing the Sun's "surface" granulation, flares, and prominences.

In 1998 WVAS built a specialty binocular telescope consisting of two matched 8" optical tubes, one for each eye. This telescope is currently for sale.

This 10"-diameter Newtonian reflector telescope was built in the 1980s by WVAS club members. It has a classic Crayford focuser and a Dobsonian mount. This telescope is currently for sale.