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Donations to WVAS may be made:


  1. via PayPal (use the PayPal Donate button below),

  2. by check, payable to "WVAS" and mailed to the address on the Contact page,

  3. via "painless" shopping donation programs, such as the Kroger/Pay Less Community Rewards program (see below), or

  4. through estate planning.


All donations are used to support our educational public astronomy outreach activities.  We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and we are very grateful for your tax-deductible donation!

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PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Kroger Community Rewards Program

If you do grocery shopping at Kroger (Pay Less in Greater Lafayette), Kroger will donate part of what you spend to WVAS or another approved non-profit organization (NPO) of your choosing.  To do this, you need a registered Kroger/Pay Less PLUS Shopper’s Card which provides customer discounts.  If you don’t yet have one of these cards, just go online to to register and get your card.  The next step is to designate WVAS as your preferred NPO, as follows:

  1. Go to and sign into your account.

  2. Click on your account icon at the top of the page and select “My Account”.

  3. On the My Account page, click on “Community Rewards” in the left column.

  4. On the Community Rewards page, in the Pick an Organization box, enter either “Wabash Valley Astronomical Society” or our assigned NPO number, “DK999”.

That’s it!  From this point on, whenever you scan your PLUS Shopper’s Card at a Pay Less or Kroger store when checking out, you’ll be benefitting WVAS.

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